Daily Archives: 31 March 2013

A storm observer’s pledge

Inspired some behavior I’ve witnessed on YouTube recently…

As a research meteorologist, storm chaser, and an admirer of the atmosphere, I hereby pledge that:

  • I will conduct myself professionally, regardless of whether or not I am observing a storm as a duty of my employment.
  • I will obey all federal, state, and local laws.
  • I will never misrepresent who I am or in what capacity I am observing a storm. I will never impersonate a law enforcement officer or emergency responder.
  • I will conduct myself safely and ethically, even if doing so costs me a “money shot.”
  • I will report promptly any hazardous conditions that I observe to the NWS, and share my insights with local authorities.
  • I will never willfully imperil myself or others, thereby diverting emergency resources from the local population.
  • I will not operate a handheld camera while driving. I will ask my chase partner(s) to take images and video for me.
  • I will never exploit tornado victims for personal gain.
  • I will not cheer on a tornado, since I can never know what’s beneath it.
  • I will admit promptly to my mistakes, and offer explanation and redress.