Tornadoes with TIV near Stockton, KS, 2005

Tornadoes with TIV near Stockton, KS, 2005

A frame grab from my video, taken near Stockton, KS, 9 June 2005. Two tornadoes, one light (left) and one dark (right, behind the white sign) can be seen in the background. Sean’s head is sticking up out of the TIV’s front “sunroof” as it turns left onto the gravel road. The resulting shot is used in the IMAX film, but, confusingly, is implied to be a tornado from 2009.

A frame grab from my video, taken near Stockton, KS, 9 June 2005. Two tornadoes, one light (left) and one dark (right, behind the white sign) can be seen in the background. Sean’s head is sticking up out of the TIV’s front “sunroof” as it turns left onto the gravel road. The resulting shot is used in the IMAX film, but, confusingly, is implied to be a tornado from 2009.

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